Celebrate Pennsylvania Trails Month with NPC

September is a special time to celebrate the vast network of trails that Pennsylvania has to offer. With over 12,000 miles of diverse trails across the state, there’s an adventure for every type of explorer—whether you prefer hiking, biking, paddling, or simply immersing yourself in nature. This month, we’re thrilled to highlight some of the remarkable trails that NPC Members have helped conserve and enhance. These not-so-hidden gems are right here in Northcentral PA and they offer unique opportunities to connect with nature and enjoy the great outdoors.

Discover the Jacoby Falls Trail

Just down the road from the NPC office is a true Lycoming County treasure—the Jacoby Falls Trail! This out-and-back trail takes you across a wetland boardwalk, through a shady forest of hemlock and hardwoods, and alongside the beautiful Jacoby Run creek. The hike ends at the stunning Jacoby Falls, which changes with each season—from spring’s cascading rainbows to summer’s gentle trickle, autumn’s vibrant colors, and wintery ice formations.

NPC played a key role in conserving this trail for everyone to enjoy. Until the early 2000s, the trail crossed both private and public land. When the private land went up for sale, NPC jumped at the chance to buy 362.5 acres, making sure the trail and surrounding areas would stay open to the public.

This conserved land is now part of the Loyalsock State Forest.

Paddle Through the Phelps Mills Canoe Access

For water enthusiasts, Pennsylvania boasts 29 water trails ideal for kayaking, canoeing, floating, and more! Among these, the Phelps Mills Canoe Access on the Pine Creek Water Trail stands out.

For years, people used the property by the Route 150 bridge over Pine Creek to launch boats, fish, and relax, thinking it was public land. When the private owner decided to sell, the community risked losing this popular spot. That’s when NPC stepped in to purchase and conserve the land, and also secured funding to improve the parking area and canoe launch.

Now, it’s easier for everyone to enjoy the creek, and it’s officially part of the Tiadaghton State Forest.

Explore the Pine Creek Rail Trail

No celebration of Pennsylvania Trails Month would be complete without showcasing the Pine Creek Rail Trail, one of the most stunning and versatile 4-season rail trails in the northeast! Stretching 62 miles through forested canyon walls alongside Pine Creek, this trail offers endless opportunities for outdoor adventures.

For over 30 years, NPC members have been helping to conserve and enhance this trail system. From creating new access points like the Cavanaugh and Tombs Flat Access Areas to installing bike repair stations, and protecting the scenic views and wild spaces along the trail, we’ve been dedicated to ensuring everyone can enjoy hiking, biking, paddling, fishing, cross-country skiing, camping, and more!

Trek the Loyalsock Trail

For those seeking a more rugged adventure, the Loyalsock Trail (LT) offers a 59.2-mile trek through the Loyalsock State Forest. This trail features historic CCC Camps, breathtaking vistas, and cascading waterfalls. From Route 87 near Montoursville to US Route 220 near Laporte, the LT traverses diverse landscapes, including footpaths, old logging roads, and abandoned railroad grades.

The Alpine Club of Williamsport has been instrumental in extending, relocating, and maintaining the LT over the years. In the early 1990s, the Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy (NPC) helped conserve the trail’s route by acquiring the 606-acre Flynn property. This acquisition conserved the LT’s original path and enabled the addition of new trails, such as the Flynn Trail and Butternut Trail!

Support this Work by Becoming an NPC Member

As we celebrate Pennsylvania Trails Month, we invite you to join us in conserving and enhancing the beautiful trails of Northcentral PA. Your support as an NPC member helps create trails and access to the outdoors for everyone to enjoy!

Field Journal Friday – Laning Creek Conservation Easement

Nestled in Bradford County, NPC’s 120-acre Laning Creek conservation easement is a testament to family heritage and land stewardship. This property has been in the owner’s family for generations, with a rich history of farming and cherished summer memories. Today, it continues to support hay production and provides wildlife habitat and a peaceful retreat. Named after the creek that flows through it, the conservation easement conserves Laning Creek, its unnamed tributary, and a forested wetland, ensuring that these vital water resources continues to benefit the surrounding communities.

Observation #1: Allegheny Monkeyflower

The Allegheny monkeyflower (Mimulus ringens) is a distinctive wildflower found in Pennsylvania’s wetlands and stream banks. Its vibrant, tubular purple flowers have unique shapes and markings that resemble a monkey’s face, inspiring its common name, “monkeyflower.”

Allegheny monkeyflower

Observation #2: Blackberry

Who hasn’t stopped to sample the goods from this hardy, native berry shrub found across Pennsylvania’s woodlands and meadows?! The Pennsylvania blackberry (Rubus pensilvanicus) produces delicious, dark purple berries that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, making them a nutritious treat for humans and wildlife alike. While the berries are tasty, the plant’s thorns can be quite prickly, making berry-picking a bit of a challenge but adding to the fun of foraging!

Observation #3: Wild Bergamot

Native Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa), also known as Bee Balm, is a favorite among pollinators, especially bees and butterflies, thanks to its vibrant blooms and rich nectar. The plant’s distinctive flowers resemble fuzzy, pink to purple pom-poms, and its leaves have a minty, citrus-like aroma that can be used to make herbal teas.

Wild bergamot (also known as bee balm)

Observation #4: Forest Management Plan

The landowners are currently working with a Certified Forester to develop a Forest Management Plan. A Forest Management Plan provides many benefits for keeping forests healthy. It includes strategies for responsibly harvesting timber, controlling pests and invasive species, restoring natives, and conserving habitats. These steps help forests stay strong and productive for the long term.

The landowners walk the property with the Forester to develop a Forest Management Plan.
Catch up on other Field Journal Friday entries:
Green Hills Farm Conservation Easement
Dickey Farm Conservation Easement
Van Horn & Van Horn Homestead Conservation Easements
Bednar Conservation Easement
Joshi Conservation Easement
Lyons Conservation Easement
Richards Conservation Easement
Logue-McMahon Conservation Easement
Zaner, Overlook & Power Dam Conservation Easements
Blackwell Conservation Easement

Field Journal Friday: Green Hills Farm Conservation Easement

Green Hills Farm is a fitting name for the rolling landscape of farm fields and woodlands that make up this 118-acre conservation easement in Lycoming County. The land’s changing topography and variety of habitats support an abundance of wildlife and native species, which were on full display during Sara’s recent site visit.

Observation #1: Yarrow

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a hardy, perennial herb commonly found throughout Pennsylvania. Known for its feathery leaves and clusters of small, white or pink flowers, yarrow thrives in a variety of habitats, including meadows, fields, and roadsides. Yarrow attracts a range of pollinators, including bees and butterflies, and its deep roots help prevent soil erosion. Historically, it has been valued for its medicinal properties, used by indigenous peoples and settlers alike for treating wounds and various ailments.


Observation #2: Indian Hemp

Indian Hemp, also known as Common Dogbane (Apocynum cannabinum), is a perennial herb native to Pennsylvania and widespread across North America. This plant typically grows in moist areas such as riverbanks, meadows, and open woods. It can reach heights of 2-5 feet and features slender, red stems, and lance-shaped leaves. In summer, it produces clusters of small, white to greenish flowers.

Indian Hemp is well-known for its fibrous stems, which indigenous peoples historically used to make cordage and twine. However, the plant is also toxic, with milky sap that can cause irritation. It is important for supporting various pollinators, including bees and butterflies.

Observation #3: Horsenettle

Horsenettle (Solanum carolinense) is a perennial plant commonly found throughout Pennsylvania. It has sharp spines on its stems and leaves, which help protect it from being eaten by herbivores. This makes it a tough and resilient plant in the wild. Horsenettle’s attractive star-shaped flowers, which bloom in shades of pale purple or white, are a favorite among bees and other pollinators. The fruit of the horsenettle resembles small, yellow tomatoes, but it is highly toxic to humans and livestock.

Observation #4: Common Milkweed

Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) is a perennial plant native to Pennsylvania and plays a crucial role in supporting pollinators. Common milkweed is famously known as the primary host plant for monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus). Monarch caterpillars exclusively feed on the leaves of milkweed plants. The toxins present in milkweed sap make monarch caterpillars and butterflies distasteful to predators, providing them with protection.

While monarch caterpillars rely on milkweed leaves, the flowers of common milkweed produce abundant amounts of nectar. This nectar is a valuable food source for many pollinators, including bees, butterflies (like the Great Spangled Fritillary), moths, and hummingbirds.

A pair of bees and a fritillary butterfly on common milkweed.
Catch up on other Field Journal Friday entries:
Dickey Farm Conservation Easement
Van Horn & Van Horn Homestead Conservation Easements
Bednar Conservation Easement
Joshi Conservation Easement
Lyons Conservation Easement
Richards Conservation Easement
Logue-McMahon Conservation Easement
Zaner, Overlook & Power Dam Conservation Easements
Blackwell Conservation Easement

Field Journal Friday: Dickey Farm Conservation Easement

Established in 1999, the Dickey Farm conservation easement stands as a testament to thoughtful stewardship and long-term planning. The decision to conserve their 195-acre property came after the landowners attended an ‘Estate Planning for Family Lands’ workshop hosted by NPC. Already equipped with a farm plan and woodlot management strategy, they were dedicated to enhancing wildlife habitat on their property. Recognizing the importance of conserving their land in perpetuity, they chose to establish a conservation easement.

Today, Dickey Farm remains a thriving example of productive farmland. The conservation easement not only helps conserve wildlife habitat but also conserves critical water and scenic resources. The property’s unique geography includes a ridge that divides its drainage into two watersheds. A spring originating here flows into Sugar Run, a tributary of the West Branch Susquehanna River, while the back portion drains into the Bald Eagle Creek watershed. Its prominent location ensures it is visible from several public roads and neighboring State Game Lands to the south.

Observation #1: Daisy Fleabane

Daisy fleabane (Erigeron annuus), a native wildflower in Pennsylvania, belongs to the aster family and blooms from late spring through summer. Its clusters of small, daisy-like flowers with yellow centers and white rays attract pollinators like bees and butterflies. Often found in meadows and along woodland edges, this resilient flower adds a cheerful touch to Pennsylvania’s landscapes, sometimes becoming a favorite gifted bouquet picked by little hands.

Daisy Fleabane

Observation #2: Round-Leaved Orchid

In Pennsylvania, the round-leaved orchid (Amerorchis rotundifolia) adds a touch of elegance to moist woodlands and meadows with its distinctive features. Characterized by round, glossy leaves forming a basal rosette and a slender flowering stem bearing clusters of small, intricate flowers, this orchid blooms from mid to late summer.

Observation #3: Perfoliate Bellwort

Perfoliate bellwort (Uvularia perfoliata), found in Pennsylvania’s woodlands and forest edges, stands out with its distinctive perfoliate leaves. The term “perfoliate” refers to the botanical feature where the stem appears to pass through the center of the leaf. This gives the impression that the leaf is pierced or surrounded by the stem itself. In early to mid-spring, perfoliate bellwort blooms with delicate, pendulous yellow flowers that hang beneath its gracefully arching stems.

Perfoliate Bellwort

Observation #4: Sassafras

Pennsylvania’s forests showcase sassafras (Sassafras albidum) with its distinct three-lobed leaves that can vary in shape, including mitten-shaped and trilobed forms, offering a colorful display of yellow, orange, and red foliage during the fall season. Beyond its visual appeal, sassafras was historically used by Native American tribes and later European settlers for its aromatic bark, roots, and leaves, which were believed to have medicinal and culinary properties.

Catch up on other Field Journal Friday entries:
Van Horn & Van Horn Homestead Conservation Easements
Bednar Conservation Easement
Joshi Conservation Easement
Lyons Conservation Easement
Richards Conservation Easement
Logue-McMahon Conservation Easement
Zaner, Overlook & Power Dam Conservation Easements
Blackwell Conservation Easement

NPC’s 2024 Annual Membership Meeting Recap

Who could have predicted the NPC office would lose power two hours before the annual membership meeting? We certainly didn’t!

But in typical NPC fashion, our membership rallied. They demonstrated their sense of humor and flexibility, smiling through their slightly melted ice cream sundaes (a special thanks to Painterland Sisters for providing their yogurt for the event!).

Then we all cheered when the power returned around 3pm!

All things considered, it was a beautiful day, catching up with dear friends and companions supporting conservation of the lands and waters that we all love here in Northcentral PA.

On the business side of things, The NPC Membership voted to re-elect Mary Blondy, Terry Johnson, and Julie Weaver for a second term on the Board of Directors, and elect Dr. Mohammed Khalequzzaman for his first full term on the Board of Directors.

NPC Executive Director, Reneé Carey, provided the membership with a recap of their accomplishments over the past year. These included helping to acquire and incorporate two parcels of land into SGL 134, increasing the number of conservation easements held by NPC to 53, and their success improving the health of our local streams.

Looking to the future, Carey shared updates on four conservation easements and two acquisition projects in the works, progress on the Tioga River restoration and other stream projects, and highlighted NPC’s upcoming Forest Bathing workshop at Worlds End State Park.

Thank you to everyone that was able to join us yesterday, and to EVERY single NPC member for your ongoing support!

Learn more about the board members elected at NPC’s 2024 Annual Membership Meeting:

Mary Baumunk Blondy

Mary retired from the world of finance and now spends her days working with the Loyalsock Foundation. She’s spearheading an effort to develop a community wellness center in Laporte. With her children living in North Carolina and Colorado Mary spends time enjoying all the outdoor recreation those two places offer as well as Pennsylvania. 

Terry Johnson

Terry JohnsonTerry is a Certified Public Accountant with a local firm. She’s transitioned from working full-time on audits and corporate taxes to working part-time. She and her husband spend their weekends hiking and kayaking throughout the region. 

Julie Weaver

Julie worked as a geologist for many years before returning to Pennsylvania and working as a science teacher. Over the years she taught at a variety of grade levels before retiring from the Southern Tioga School District. Julie still works as a curriculum consultant and assists the local Intermediate Unit in that area.  

Dr. Mohammed Khalequzzaman (or Dr. K)

Dr. K is a geology professor at Lock Haven University, now Commonwealth University – Lock Haven Campus. He’s taught and researched in the areas of water resources management, water quality, sustainable development, and GIS. Over the years he’s worked with volunteers to study Abandoned Mine Drainage, explored sources of sediment in streams, and kayaked the West Branch Susquehanna to map underwater hazards. Additionally Dr. K is the Global Coordinator for the Bangladesh Environment Network.

Field Journal Friday: VanHorn & VanHorn Homestead Conservation Easements

Together, the VanHorn and VanHorn Homestead Conservation Easements conserve 148 acres in Lycoming County. Donated to NPC by the same owners in the late 1990s, these easements feature mature woodlands and wetlands adjacent to Big Run, a high-quality native trout stream and tributary of Muncy Creek.

On the VanHorn Homestead, a swamp supports a variety of animals, plants, and aquatic life. One unique aspect is its drainage pattern: it flows both east to Lake Run and west into Big Run!

During her annual visit to these conservation easements, Sara spotted a big, green frog perched on a log in the swamp, among other highlights.

Observation #1: Ghost Pipe

Ghost pipe is a native perennial that is all white and can be found growing in clusters up to 8 inches tall across most of the US. Each stem has a single flower. It’s also known by other names such as Indian pipe, corpse plant, or ghost plant. What makes this plant so unique is that it does not contain chlorophyll! Most plants contain chlorophyll, which converts the sunlight into carbohydrates (energy for the plant), this process is known as photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is also what makes plants green. Lacking chlorophyll, ghost pipes get their carbohydrates and nutrients from tree roots, via their relationship with myccorhizal fungi.

Ghost Pipe

Observation #2: Partridge Berry

Partridge berry is a native, sprawling evergreen vine on the forest floor, found throughout woodlands in the eastern United States. A pair of small, white, fuzzy flowers grow at the end of its creeping stem and produce a single red berry.

Partridge Berry

Observation #3: White Water-Lily

White water-lily – also known as fragrant water lily – this native, aquatic floating flower is accompanied by its round leaves, which grow up to 10” across. Rhizomes and roots anchor each plant to the bottom of the ponds where they are found. The fragrant flowers close at night and on cloudy days. Seeds from the flower are a great source of food for birds and other animals. The flower and lily pads provide habitat for aquatic macroinvertebrates and refuge for small fish

White water-lily

Observation #4: Reishi

Reishi is a large, reddish-brown fungus that grows in a fan-shape from wood, with a lacquered appearance. There are over a dozen species of reishi in the US, all having a very similar appearance. Each species is particular about the trees that they grow from, in the eastern US, they are primarily found growing on eastern hemlock.


Observation #5: Green Frog

Green frogs can be found living in lakes, ponds, streams and wetlands in every county of Pennsylvania, and throughout the eastern half of the US. Sometimes mistaken for American bullfrog, size can help differentiate the two species, the American bullfrog is the largest true frog species in eastern North America.

Catch up on other Field Journal Friday entries:
Bednar Conservation Easement
Joshi Conservation Easement
Lyons Conservation Easement
Richards Conservation Easement
Logue-McMahon Conservation Easement
Zaner, Overlook & Power Dam Conservation Easements
Blackwell Conservation Easement

Field Journal Friday: Bednar Conservation Easement

The Bednar conservation easement conserves a variety of habitats, including a small wetland, open fields, old fields reverting to forest, stone walls, and extensive acres of mature forest. These support a wide array of wildlife and plants. The property’s high point offers stunning views across rolling hills and valleys, adding to its scenic appeal.

Here are few of Sara’s finds from her recent visit:

Observation #1: Oak Besma Moth

Oak besma moth (besma quercivoraria) is native to PA and can be found throughout North America.  Its name translates to “oak-eater”. Common in deciduous and mixed woodlands, the larvae feed on leaves of oak, elm, poplar, and willow. Their pale brown lines and speckles create the illusion of tree rings and texture, which is a beneficial camouflage to hide from predators.

Oak Besma Moth

Observation #2: Eastern (red-spotted) Newt

The Eastern (red-spotted) newt has a fascinating life cycle! Seen here in its “Red Eft” stage, this PA native amphibian embarks on a remarkable journey of transformation, that takes it from water, to land, and back to the water!

  • Egg Stage: It all begins as tiny eggs are laid in shallow, freshwater habitats like vernal pools.
  • Larval Stage (Aquatic): Hatching from the eggs, Eastern newt larvae emerge, resembling small tadpoles. They breathe through gills and spend their early days in the water.
  • Red Eft Stage (Terrestrial): After several months, the larvae undergo a transformation into their land-based stage known as “red efts.” The red eft is easily recognizable with its bright orange coloring and rows of black-ringed spots. While that coloration may look pretty to us, it serves as a warning to other animals that these guys are not a tasty snack! They develop lungs for breathing air and begin their adventures exploring the forest floor.
  • Adult Stage (Aquatic): As they mature, red efts transition back to the water. Their skin darkens, and they transform into the adult phase of the Eastern newt. Returning to forest ponds, they spend the rest of their lives in the water, where they reproduce and continue the life cycle.

Observation #3: Sounds of Nature

While observing this mature Eastern (red-spotted) Newt swimming around the pond, Sara heard a chorus of several other species, including a Redwing Blackbird, Ovenbird, Gray Catbird, and the single croak of a green frog.

How many species can you identify by sound in this video?!

Observation #4: Gray Catbird

Gray catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis) are relatively common throughout most of the United States. They are particularly abundant in areas with early successional forests, which include abandoned farmland, thickets of young trees, and dense shrubs. These habitats provide the dense cover and abundant food resources that gray catbirds prefer.

Gray Catbird

Observation #5: Northern Maidenhair Fern

The northern maidenhair fern (Adiantum pedatum) is easily identifiable by its unique structure, which features pinnae (divisions of compound leaves) forming a nearly perfect horizontal circle. This distinctive arrangement makes it stand out among other ferns. It is a native, deciduous perennial that thrives in cool, moist, and rich woods as well as shaded areas.

Northern Maidenhair Fern
Catch up on other Field Journal Friday entries:
Joshi Conservation Easement
Lyons Conservation Easement
Richards Conservation Easement
Logue-McMahon Conservation Easement
Zaner, Overlook & Power Dam Conservation Easements
Blackwell Conservation Easement

Field Journal Friday: Joshi Conservation Easement

Today, we are exploring NPC’s Joshi conservation easement in Lycoming County. As you may recall from last week, this 87-acre property borders NPC’s Lyons Farm conservation easement. Connecting conserved lands is important because it creates large, continuous areas where animals and plants can live and move around freely. These connected areas help wildlife find food, shelter, and mates. Additionally, these connections help conserve the natural resources that keep the water and air clean for your communities.

Here are a few observations from Sara’s annual visit to the Joshi conservation easement.

Observation #1: Indian Cucumber

Indian cucumber (Medeola virginiana) is native to Pennsylvania and can be commonly found in the state’s forests. It thrives in moist, well-drained soils and shady environments, often under the canopy of mature hardwood trees. The cucumber part of the common name comes from the two to three-inch-long tuberous white root that smells and tastes like cucumbers. Native American tribes in PA traditionally gathered them as food and used the plant for its medicinal properties.

Indian Cucumber

Observation #2: Common Milkweed

Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) is the only host plant for monarch caterpillars. Monarchs lay their eggs on common milkweed, and when those eggs hatch into caterpillars, they eat the leaves, which contain a compound that makes them toxic to their predators.

Common Milkweed

Observation #3: Web of a Grass Spider

Grass spiders tend to be fast and shy, making it uncommon for them to bite humans. The web of this native Pennsylvania arachnid is seen more often than the spider itself. As you could guess from the name, their webs are often found in the grass, weeds, and other ground cover, in a horizontal orientation.

Web of a Grass Spider
Catch up on other Field Journal Friday entries:
Lyons Conservation Easement
Richards Conservation Easement
Logue-McMahon Conservation Easement
Zaner, Overlook & Power Dam Conservation Easements
Blackwell Conservation Easement

Field Journal Friday: Lyons Farm Conservation Easement

NPC’s Lyons Farm conservation easement helps conserve a variety of natural values – from stream health, to field and woodland habitat, and 20-mile panoramic views! It is a real gem spanning 125-acres in Lycoming county, connected to State Game Lands 226 and NPC’s Joshi conservation easement (more on that visit next week!).

Here are some of Sara’s sightings from her recent annual monitoring visit:

View between the Lyons Farm conservation easement (left) and the Joshi conservation easement (right).

Observation #1: Conservation Connection

The property connects to neighboring conserved lands – NPC’s Joshi conservation easement and State Game Lands 226. This link expands the wildlife corridor, making it easier and safer for animals to move around to find food and mates. In this photo (above) the wood line on the right is the Joshi conservation easement, the field and trees to the left are the Lyons Farm conservation easement.

Observation #2: American Toad

The American Toad is the most common toad species in Pennsylvania, occurring in all 67 counties. They primarily nocturnal, spending most of their day hiding under leaves and rocks and can often be found near sources of water during the spring mating season.


Observation #3: Huckleberry

Huckleberries are an edible fruit, similar in both taste and appearance to blueberries. So similar in fact, that they are difficult for many people to distinguish the difference. Huckleberry seeds are more noticeable when eating the fruit, than seeds of a blueberry. Blueberries tend to be larger and more densely clustered than huckleberries. Both make delicious trail snacks and pies!

Cup Fungi (NOT edible)

Observation #4: Cup Fungi

Peziza, a sizable genus of saprophytic cup fungi, derives its nutrients from deceased and decomposing matter. These fungi can often be found growing on the ground, decaying wood, or even animal dung.

Catch up on other Field Journal Friday entries:
Richards Conservation Easement
Logue-McMahon Conservation Easement
Zaner, Overlook & Power Dam Conservation Easements
Blackwell Conservation Easement

Montoursville Area High School Students Help Recycle Eclipse Glasses

Thank you to the Montoursville Area High School Environmental Club for helping the Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy (NPC) with the eclipse glasses recycling process!

Before shipping the glasses to Astronomers Without Borders, they needed to be sorted by color and manufacturer. Over the past several weeks, the students in this club took time out of their busy schedules to sort over 1,200 glasses!

“It is a great way to get students involved, earn hours for the club, and learn why it is important to recycle the glasses.”

Cody Pavlick, the club’s advisor and Montoursville Area High School science teacher

Now, the glasses are ready to be shipped out and ultimately donated to other users to safely view future eclipses in other parts of the world.

Learn more about this initiative!