Montoursville Area High School Students Help Recycle Eclipse Glasses

Thank you to the Montoursville Area High School Environmental Club for helping the Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy (NPC) with the eclipse glasses recycling process!

Before shipping the glasses to Astronomers Without Borders, they needed to be sorted by color and manufacturer. Over the past several weeks, the students in this club took time out of their busy schedules to sort over 1,200 glasses!

“It is a great way to get students involved, earn hours for the club, and learn why it is important to recycle the glasses.”

Cody Pavlick, the club’s advisor and Montoursville Area High School science teacher

Now, the glasses are ready to be shipped out and ultimately donated to other users to safely view future eclipses in other parts of the world.

Learn more about this initiative!

Recycle your Eclipse Glasses with the Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy

Did you know that your solar eclipse glasses can be sent to Latin America for children to enjoy the August 2024 eclipse?!

If you no longer wish to keep your eclipse glasses, please consider recycling your gently used solar glasses to the Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy office. We’ll package them up and send as a bulk mailing for reuse!

The NPC office is the white farmhouse right next to Herman & Luthers. The address is 785 PA-87, Montoursville, PA.

We will be accepting glasses until June 30, 2024.

If we happen to be in the field when you drop by, there is a box on the front porch to deposit your glasses….or reach out to the NPC staff to schedule a visit!

The response from both our local and national communities has been absolutely overwhelming – and in the best possible way!

To ensure that every donated pair of glasses is thoroughly inspected and redistributed to serve the needs of others during the upcoming eclipses – this year and beyond – we’re partnering with multiple organizations. Among them are Eclipse Glasses USA, LLC and Astronomers without Borders.

Thank you for helping to share the eclipse experience with others!!