Have you ever heard the phrase, “Until further notice, celebrate everything”? This has been a personal mantra of my family’s since one of us came across the phrase on a wine glass at a gift shop about a decade ago. It’s easy to celebrate when things are smooth sailing, but much more difficult to slip into a festive mood when things are a bit off course (or completely derailed by a national emergency).
Its times like these that I find it helpful to really dig into that message, and encourage you to do the same! Celebrate that cardinal out your window… celebrate your seeds sprouting…celebrate the essential workers that are keeping our country going…heck, go ahead and celebrate wearing jeans instead of sweatpants for the day (or is that just me?!). 🙂
The point is, things are changing constantly, and it’s a lot to keep up with these days. So when something sparks joy for you – hold on to it! Celebrate it…whatever it might be!

Perhaps, however, the most celebrated milestones are birthdays. So, if you are looking for a little something extra to celebrate, the Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy (NPC) has a birthday coming up!
On Thursday, April 16th, NPC turns 30! It was on this date, in 1990 that NPC was officially incorporated. Now a lot went on behind the scenes building up to this day; including a chance encounter between two founding members on a paddling trip gone awry down Pine Creek…a public informational meeting about the startup that sparked interest throughout the community and attracted many of NPC’s charter members (pre-social media, mind you!)…and broad-minded support from partners like the Williamsport-Lycoming Chamber of Commerce and the First Community Foundation Partnership (then Williamsport-Lycoming Foundation)!
We invite you to help NPC virtually celebrate this day by sharing your own moment of celebration. Post a photo, comment, or video of how you’re choosing to celebrate on April 16th, to NPC’s Facebook or Instagram page. It could be anything – on a hike, in your garden, sipping your cocktail of choice, or enjoying a leftover slice of carrot cake – you choose! We’d just love to see how you’re enjoying your day, with a little something extra to celebrate. You can also email HByers@NPCweb.org and we’ll upload it to NPC’s 30th Birthday Album.
We’re looking forward to celebrating on Thursday, and hope you’ll join us!
– Holly
NPC Office & Communications Coordinator