A great day in Cammal
Guests enjoyed the afternoon…
~~Practicing casting a fly rod under the guidance of Dave
~~Riding their bicycle on the Pine Creek Trail with Charlie Schwarz
~~Walking around Cammal with Dr. Bob Burns and learning more about the little village along the banks of Pine Creek (the photo above is Dr. Burns (blue shirt, khaki pants, and hat) beginning his presentation)
~~Checking out the fish and other aquatic life Dr. Mel Zimmerman and his students pulled from the Creek (the photo below is Dr. Zimmerman adjusting the settings on the electrofishing unit. In the background the students are looking at a kick sample.)
If you’d like to learn a little more about Cammal you can read Dr. Bob Burns history of Cammal. The information is copyrighted, so while we encourage you to read it and share the link, please limit your photocopying, or printing of the document.
Several people were taking photos. Check back here for a photo album from the event.