Tamara Wagner recently joined the NPC staff as the new Land Steward Specialist. Tamara has her BS in Environmental Resource Management with a Minor in Marine Science from Penn State University. Previously, she has served as a Fish and Wildlife Biologist with the USFWS and a Natural Resource Specialist with the USDA. Tamara is also a certified CrossFit Trainer and enjoys daily farm life with her family on their homestead in rural Danville.
Here’s a little Q&A to help you get to know Tamara better:
Q. What are you looking forward to the most about working for NPC?
A. My college training was in the conservation field and I’ve held numerous positions dealing with conservation work. After taking a hiatus to raise my boys, I’m thrilled to return to my “roots” in conservation work, to meet local landowners and hear their stories and visit some incredible properties within the NPC region!
Q. Why does NPC’s mission to conserve the rural landscapes and waters of our region matter to you?
A. Being a rural landowner and also helping to raise the next generation of conservation stewards is the heart of the way of life for my family. Protect, preserve, and pass it on for future generations to enjoy and appreciate.
Q. What are some of your favorite ways to spend time outdoors?
A. You can always find me soaking up some time in the sun, working around our farm, swimming in ponds, or bouncing with my kids on a trampoline!
Q. Do you have a favorite outdoor destination is Northcentral PA?
A. Our family loves a good hike at Ricketts Glen, taking in the waterfalls! I’m definitely drawn to locations with water nearby—anything from the Susquehanna River and its tributaries to RB Winter state park and Locust Lake. There are so many beautiful areas in our region and state!
As the Land Steward Specialist, Tamara is responsible for ensuring that all of NPC’s conservation easements are monitored for compliance. To welcome Tamara to NPC and/or reach out to her with any questions, please feel free to contact her at twagner@npcweb.org.