Are you planning to plant some trees, shrubs, or flowers this year? Contact your County Conservation District office to find out if they’re having a tree sale. A lot of the Conservation Districts collect tree orders in February with the trees arriving in April.

Planning now helps ensure you are going to be able to get the species you want. Some of the more popular trees and shrubs can sell out.
Sugaring season begins in late February. Sugaring is a lot of work. It’s also generational work. The sugar maple trees planted today won’t be ready to be tapped for at least 15 to 20 years, maybe more. Are there projects in your woods that you are getting started so the next generation can enjoy the results?

Montour Preserve and several state parks offer sugaring programs. Check out their events page to see if there are any programs near you.
Winter can be a great time to walk in the woods. The snow and ice and cold need to be considered but can be overcome. A traction system for your shoes can be one way to make your wintering outings in the woods safer. There are a variety of brands out there, but most of them pull onto your boots and use chains, springs, and pieces of pointy metal to help you get traction on slippery snow and ice. While it’s almost the end of February, the snow and ice can hang on in shaded areas in the woods.

Contact information for the Conservation Districts in the region:
Bradford County Conservation District 570-485-3144
Centre County Conservation District 814-355-6817
Clinton County Conservation District 570-726-3798
Columbia County Conservation District 570-317-9456
Lycoming County Conservation District 570-433-3003
Montour County Conservation District 570-271-1140
Northumberland County Conservation District 570-271-1140
Potter County Conservation District 814-274-8411 Ext. 4
Snyder County Conservation District 570-837-3000
Sullivan County Conservation District 570-928-7057
Tioga County Conservation District 570-724-1801
Union County Conservation District 570-524-3860