Field Journal Friday: Lyons Farm Conservation Easement

NPC’s Lyons Farm conservation easement helps conserve a variety of natural values – from stream health, to field and woodland habitat, and 20-mile panoramic views! It is a real gem spanning 125-acres in Lycoming county, connected to State Game Lands 226 and NPC’s Joshi conservation easement (more on that visit next week!).

Here are some of Sara’s sightings from her recent annual monitoring visit:

View between the Lyons Farm conservation easement (left) and the Joshi conservation easement (right).

Observation #1: Conservation Connection

The property connects to neighboring conserved lands – NPC’s Joshi conservation easement and State Game Lands 226. This link expands the wildlife corridor, making it easier and safer for animals to move around to find food and mates. In this photo (above) the wood line on the right is the Joshi conservation easement, the field and trees to the left are the Lyons Farm conservation easement.

Observation #2: American Toad

The American Toad is the most common toad species in Pennsylvania, occurring in all 67 counties. They primarily nocturnal, spending most of their day hiding under leaves and rocks and can often be found near sources of water during the spring mating season.


Observation #3: Huckleberry

Huckleberries are an edible fruit, similar in both taste and appearance to blueberries. So similar in fact, that they are difficult for many people to distinguish the difference. Huckleberry seeds are more noticeable when eating the fruit, than seeds of a blueberry. Blueberries tend to be larger and more densely clustered than huckleberries. Both make delicious trail snacks and pies!

Cup Fungi (NOT edible)

Observation #4: Cup Fungi

Peziza, a sizable genus of saprophytic cup fungi, derives its nutrients from deceased and decomposing matter. These fungi can often be found growing on the ground, decaying wood, or even animal dung.

Catch up on other Field Journal Friday entries:
Richards Conservation Easement
Logue-McMahon Conservation Easement
Zaner, Overlook & Power Dam Conservation Easements
Blackwell Conservation Easement