The Bedrock Society distinguishes members that have made a daily commitment to conservation. These members have donated $365+ annually to NPC, and provide the foundation for NPC’s mission. They offer the consistent, day-to-day support required to meet the conservation needs of their communities.

A Bedrock Society member recognizes, that behind every new conservation or enhancement project – whether NPC is expanding access to state forest land or installing a new boat launch – there are months and months of prep and follow-up work!
They acknowledge that in order to inspire the next generation of conservationists, NPC needs to be present and engaged with the community. A day spent facilitating an Intro to Fly Fishing course or teaching Sullivan County 4th graders about macroinvertebrates is well worth the effort!
They support NPC’s leadership role with the Northcentral Stream Partnership. Every time NPC reconnects a creek to its floodplain or installs a log vane, they know that they are steadily helping to improve the water quality for our communities.
If this resonates with you, please consider joining the Bedrock Society! Members receive access to more opportunities for deeper engagement with NPC’s work, including special project updates, volunteer opportunities, and an exclusive invitation to the Bedrock Society’s Annual Celebration.
Your gift of at least $1 a day can make a HUGE difference. We look forward to welcoming you to the Bedrock Society!
For more information, please reach out to Executive Director, Renee’ Carey, at or 570-323-6222.