Shade Hollow

County Township Year Acreage Type Conservation Values
County: Clinton Township: Bald Eagle Year: 1999 Acreage: 81.00 Type: Easement Conservation Values:
  • Adjacent to Other Conserved Land
  • In the Public's View
  • Water Resource Protection

A conservation easement was placed on this property to protect several important resource values, including scenic and water resources. In addition, this property adjoins the Edwards Homestead project. These two properties combined provide an important wildlife corridor.

The water resources on the property include Raspberry Run, which drains into Bald Eagle Creek. The front portion of the property drains into Sugar Run. Eventually, all water draining from this property arrives in the West Branch Susquehanna River. The public can enjoy views of the property from two public roads, and because of its ridge location, the property can be seen from state-owned lands to the south.