County | Township | Year | Acreage | Type | Conservation Values |
Tioga | Delmar | 1997 | 72.11 | Public Acquisition |

North of Wellsboro is a large area of wetland known as The Muck. The area was once used to raise lettuce and celery. Repairing the drainage networks needed for the celery and lettuce production was too expensive after a series of floods. Much of the farming was discontinued and most of the area slowly reverted back to wetlands. Those wetlands host breeding marsh wrens, American bitterns, common snipe, Virginia rail and sora rail – most are species of concern in Pennsylvania. The Muck is one of Pennsylvania’s Important Bird Areas. When there was an opportunity to purchase a portion of the wetland, NPC acquired the property with help from The Sweet Foundation, the Horace B. Packer Foundation, Tiadaghton Audubon Society. The property was transferred to the Pennsylvania Game Commission to become part of State Game Land #313. Subsequently a boardwalk and wildlife viewing blind were constructed for the public to access the wetland and enjoy the wetland’s wildlife.