County | Township | Year | Acreage | Type | Conservation Values |
Clinton | Grugan | 2007 | 8.00 | Public Acquisition |

The conservation of the Baker Run property allowed for the creation of a new public access canoe/kayak launch site to the West Branch Susquehanna River. Baker Run is a tributary to the Susquehanna River, between Lock Haven and Renovo. The section of the West Branch Susquehanna from the PA Fish and Boat Commission access at Hyner, downstream to the access in Woodward Township’s Park (on the North Side of the Jay Street Bridge at Lock Haven) is about twenty-one river-miles long. This section of the River is usually too shallow for most motorized boats, so it’s mostly canoes and kayaks you’ll find exploring the islands, or trying to catch a few fish.
One issue however, was that twenty-one mile distance between the two access points. That’s more than most people want to paddle in one day.
Many people recognized this “recreation barrier,” and when a property near the mouth of Baker Run was rumored to be for sale, DCNR’s Bureau of Forestry contacted NPC to assist with the acquisition of the land. NPC took title to the property in 2007 then conveyed it to the Bureau in 2008. There is a variety of reasons when & why NPC and a state agency, or other conservation group, work together on land purchases. In this case, it allowed the acquisition to proceed more quickly, thus ensuring that an access point could be created, and this section of the River would be more usable for Clinton County residents and visitors forever.