October 16 – Tioga County Dinner
NPC has partnered with the Tioga County Conservation District and several stream restoration projects, and we talk about stream restoration projects all the time, but we’ve never had a program in Tioga County about the stream restoration projects…until now. Dave Keller, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) will be the guest speaker at NPC’s Tioga County Dinner this year.
Keller has been with the PFBC for over 20 years, constructing in-stream structures to improve aquatic habitat and reduce stream bank erosion. Dave’s experience working on farms, combined with his knowledge of stream dynamics has made him a valuable partner in the northcentral stream project.
To learn more, join us at the Arnot Sportsmen’s Club for a buffet dinner of tossed salad, ham, lasagna, stuffed chicken breast, potato, green beans and assorted desserts.
Reservations are required. The cost is $25.00 per person. Checks should be payable to the Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy and mailed to NPC at PO Box 2083, Williamsport, PA 17703.