NPC’s main tool for conserving, land is a conservation easement. Conservation easements permanently protect the land and it remains in private ownership. The conservation easement describes the permitted uses of a property. Once a conservation easement is granted, the landowner can still give, sell, or otherwise transfer the property. The conservation easement is perpetual and applies to all future owners.
NPC also accepts donations of land. Prior to accepting the land NPC’s Board reviews the proposed project and its conservation values. NPC’s Board has decided the property should usually remain in private ownership. This is always discussed with the donor prior to the donation, and with their agreement, NPC accepts the donation, and sells the property subject to a conservation easement.
NPC has assisted the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with acquisition projects. NPC may acquire a property from the private landowner, with them knowing the property will be transferred to the Commonwealth, and then works with the Commonwealth to transfer the property into public ownership. Frequently, these projects have involved boundary, title, or timing issues that NPC resolved prior to transferring the property to the Commonwealth.
Landowners interested in conserving their property should consult with the appropriate legal and tax advisors. Although NPC will work with the landowner toward income tax savings, NPC cannot guarantee tax savings.