Brown Bag Lunch, Binoculars, and Birds

Join Wayne Laubscher, Lycoming Audubon, and the Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy for a lunch time bird watch on the Williamsport Riverwalk on Thursday, March 14, 2014.  We’ll have extra binoculars and a spotting scope set up from 11:30am to 1:30pm on the Williamsport side of the River near the Market Street Bridge, look for the group of people with binoculars.

Walk over with your lunch (or while you eat your lunch) and check out the birds and other wildlife along the West Branch Susquehanna River that day.  You can stay for a few minutes, or the full 2 hours.

 Wayne is an expert birder and will be providing information about what we’re seeing during the bird watch.  He’s participated in a number of research projects related to birds – from peregrines to barn owls, and is a wealth of knowledge.  You’re sure to learn something new.

For more information, contact the Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy’s office, 570-323-6222.  You can also visit either the Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy’s website (, Facebook page or Lycoming Audubon’s Facebook page for more information and details.

This event is being held in conjunction with Raise the Region, a 30-hour fundraising event organized by the First Community Foundation Partnership of Pennsylvania.  Consider donating to Lycoming Audubon and the Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy.